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planning & instruction

Grade 2/3: Daily 5 & MAth Centers

In Language Arts I use a modified version of Daily 5, with students rotating through 5 centers: Meet with Teacher, Read to Self, Literacy, Work on Writing and Word Work. Literacy is my malleable center which can include anything from Raz-Kids to grammar practice.


In Math we also use centers. Students rotate through Teacher Table, Independent Work, Daily Calendar (a Smartboard interactive), 5Alive Math Board (our version of Mountain Math), and Mathletics. Depending on the week, Daily Calendar may be replaced with Math Games.


I really like using center rotations as it allows students to have a change every 15-20 minutes to maintain their engagement. The teacher station also allows me to work with smaller groups and give students the individualized attention that is not possible in a whole group lesson. Since students go to each center at least once during the week, it guarantees that I see each of them individually to monitor their progress. These centers have worked very well with my kinesthetic learners as the movement is very beneficial for them.

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