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in the classroom

In my classroom, I design a warm and welcoming atmosphere where the students are excited to learn by just entering the room. The walls are bright and colorful, covered with projects created by the students themselves, so they feel ownership of their classroom and a part of the learning process. I believe that literacy is one of the most important things a person can learn, so a well-stocked library is an

important fixture in my classroom, with students exploring a wide variety of literature and literary forms, whether in print or electronic form. Lessons are taught using visual, auditory, and kinesthetic styles of learning in order to give the students variety and exposure to many different ways of learning the material being presented.

Aside from the classroom, resources from the community are also be used to supplement the students’ learning, including guest speakers and class trips, so that they are able to bring their knowledge with them and apply it to real life situations. As a teacher, it is my responsibility to appreciate and build a relationship with my students, creating a safe and comfortable atmosphere that allows for the best educational environment possible. In order to create this atmosphere, it is important that I maintain a positive and friendly demeanor, even if I don’t always feel like it. I encourage the students to ask questions and interact with their learning as much as possible, letting them know that no question, concern or wondering is wrong or stupid. I recognize that each student learns in a different way, and will alter and adapt my methods and forms of instruction in order to accommodate these differences.

I spent 2014-15 teaching in a Grade 2/3 classroom, so multi-aged classrooms are something that I am familiar and comfortable with. I have really enjoyed the diversity of the classroom and the independence and autonomy it provides the students. I hope to continue learning and implementing multi-age strategies in my future classrooms, as I see this as a positive transition in education, allowing students to develop their 21st century skills.


I spent 2014-15 teaching in a Grade 2/3 classroom, so multi-aged classrooms are something that I am familiar and comfortable with. I have really enjoyed the diversity of the classroom and the independence and autonomy it provides the students. I hope to continue learning and implementing multi-age strategies in my future classrooms, as I see this as a positive transition in education, allowing students to develop their 21st century skills.


To support our multi-age learning, I created a very interactive classroom, limiting our lecture-based lessons and transforming them into student-led learning centres. This allowed for greater student engagement and more one-on-one contact with the teacher, which increased student learning.


My current teaching assignment is in Grade 2. I really enjoy teaching this age group! The students are developing their independence and growing in their academic skills. They love exploring new topics and ideas, and have such a thirst for learning! To support their learning, I employ a variety of teaching styles, including whole class instruction, small group instruction and guided reading, hands-on activities, technology integration and many more!

I am blessed with parents who are committed to their child's education. These parents love to support our classroom through volunteering, and I regularly have parents working with students or assisting with photocopying and art project preparation. It  is a great way to build relationship with my students' families and connect home to school.


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